Dutch Committee

Call for applications for training on:

Attitude for Change: strengthening your ethical leadership skills


The Albanian School of Magistrates would like to inform you the Matra Rule of Law Training Programme, designed to strengthen institutional capacity in the field of rule of law within government organisations in Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine, is accepting applications for Training on:

Attitude for Change: strengthening your ethical leadership skills

This training is taking place on 14 November – 18 December 2022, in an online learning environment. Applications are open to all civil servants and government officials with an interest in the topics of core values and ethical leadership. The deadline to submit an application is Sunday 9 October, 12.00 PM/ 23:59 CET.

This training is an online personal development trajectory, aiming to strengthen the skills of the participants to become an ethical leader within their institutions. They are thus looking for motivated and ambitious (senior) civil servants who want to improve their personal leadership skills to achieve the change for the societies they represent.

For more information, please find the brochure attached to this announcement.

The link to the online application form is available on www.nhc.nl/matrarolt.nl .